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a project by Chiara Bruni

For the realization of this project I started from a word: “egosystem”. I like to think that I invented this word, one afternoon closed in my room, while I was writing in my diary.

The egosystem is a form of selfishness, a concept that I find very effective in describing what the human condition is today. This “obese self” that we carry with us and devours everything around it. It is an irrepressible hunger that we have of ourselves and the constant need to tell us. So I did, I took myself and put myself at the center, inside the lens, and I started to dissect this theme.

“I am a proprietary system, I depend on myself and I condition myself”.

The egosystem is a discourse on the banality of contemporary human existence that cannot look beyond its nose and is lost in the triangular journey (past-present-future) of its life, as if the point of view from which it observes the world were the absolute center. Egosystem is a golden cage; a complex, interior space; a circular journey, closed.

She was trying to see herself through her body. For this reason she was so often in front of the mirror … what attracted her through the mirror was not vanity but the wonder of seeing one’s own self (The unbearable lightness of being)

My nakedness is not narcissistic. I understood it later because it is important that I am naked or half-naked. My intent is to universalize the body, in the photographic act I thought I did it for this, but in reality it is for the sense of total freedom that you feel, it is a liberating gesture, the gesture of a human who in his comfort dimension (the house) may not lie. The naked body is the sign of my existence, I omit it every day (covering it with clothes) in this work I want to celebrate it for what it is: the envelope, the perimeter of my egosystem. Being naked is my saying to you:‘m not lying to you, that’s all, you couldn’t see me more closely“.

Egosystem was born as a photographic work but expands in other directions during the course of work, embracing writing and drawing. It is an ongoing research that aims to define the complexity of the ego and the perception one has of oneself.